nestled inside Terrain Gallery, the annex features a rotating selection of artwork from a variety of Local artists.

Looking for a unique piece to fill that special spot in your home? Have a favorite local artist whose work you like to check out regularly? The Annex gives you the opportunity to check out a variety of different artwork at a variety of different price points. And here’s the cool thing: You can purchase pieces directly off the wall! That’s right, find a piece you like, scan the QR code, and it’s yours! Easy peasy. So the next time you’re out and about, remember to keep The Annex in your treasure-hunting plans.

Insider Tip: Annex artists work monthly gallery shifts so visitors are able to meet the people behind the work. Come say hi!

The Annex is open during regular Terrain Gallery hours.


Chad Brazill

Instagram | Facebook

Seth Collier

Website | Instagram

Janelle Cordero

Website | Instagram

Katie Creyts

Website | Instagram

Brian Deemy

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Karli Fairbanks

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Caleb Mannan


Lindsey Merrell


Todd Mires

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Carl Richardson

Website | Instagram

Deb Sheldon

Instagram | Facebook

Kat Smith

Website | Instagram | Instagram

Chris Tyllia

Website | Instagram

David Waters

Instagram | Facebook

Sarah Windisch

Website | Instagram

H. Woods Studios

Website | Instagram

applications are currently closed for the Terrain Gallery Annex.