TERRAIN 14 | Main Event
MAIN EVENT (FREE) ALL AGES | 314 W Riverside Ave
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 2023 | 5 PM - 12 AM
Always on the first Friday in October, Terrain is an annual juried multimedia art and music event celebrating artists in the Spokane area. In addition to all the visual art you’ll experience: Full-musical line-up (see below), live performances, food trucks, photo booth, thousands of your closest friends and more!
Terrain 14 (Main Event) Musical Lineup:
5:45 PM - Sad Boy Union
6:30 PM - Topp
8:00 PM - ghostdivorce
8:45 PM - lost masters
9:30 PM - ExZac Change & Matisse
10:00 PM - Betsy Rogue
10:35 PM - August to August
11:10 PM - Aspen Kye
11:40 PM - Estimate